Products II--Body

For My Lord

Here it is! Our new For My Lord line!  Designed for the peace of mind of our male customers, our favorite masculine fragrances are showcased in attractive, darker packaging with a new, less frilly logo. Find the Lords category on our Fragrance Options page.

Vanity Lotion, Gardener's Balm, and Lotion Gems

Vanity Lotion is simply lotion made for every day.     3.5 oz. $3.93

Gardener's Balm is perfect not just for hard-working hands, but any place that needs a little extra TLC. Try it on heels, knees, and elbows too!     3 oz. $4.82

Lotion Gems
are a traveler's treasure.  These are easy to pack because they're solid at room temperature.     2 oz. $3.51

Massage Oil and Massage Bars

Massage Oil is a lightweight oil, designed for those massages needing a gentle touch.     0.5 oz. $2.25

Massage Bar
is a very firm oil bar, perfect for those deep muscle massages.     2 oz. $3.46

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